AGazine, February 2017

The Online Magazine of the Academic Games Leagues of America

News & Notes Revised Sweepstakes Rules at Nationals Down Memory Lane Past AGazines


News and Notes

Calendar: Academic Games Events


16 Riverview IU4 (PA) League Elementary Presidents Tournament

Jefferson Parish Middle/Junior/Senior LinguiSHTIK Tournament

21 Riverview IU6 (PA) League Middle/Junior/Senior Presidents Tournament

IU4 (PA) Equations Tournament (All Divisions)
WPAGL World Events Tournament


Martin County (FL) Social Studies tournament, session 3


Charlotte-Mecklenburg League Tournament: Presidents, Propaganda, Current Events, Equations


1-3 Michigan League of Academic Games Super Tournament – Elementary and Minor, Grand Rapids MI
2 Logan County (WV) Academic Games Tournament

Florida State Tournament (Palm Springs Middle School)


New Orleans Academic Games League (NOAGL) On-Sets Rounds 1 & 2 Junior/Senior

8 NOAGL On-Sets Rounds 1 & 2 Elementary/Middle
8-10 MLAG Super Tournament – Middle/Junior/Senior, Grand Rapids
10 Jefferson Parish Presidents Tournament (all divisions)
11 Deadline for submission of completed EQ, OS, and Ling Judges Tests
14 NOAGL On-Sets Rounds 3 & 4 Junior/Senior
15 NOAGL On-Sets Rounds 3 & 4 Elementary/Middle

To see all of our of upcoming events, visit our Calendar page. If your league’s events are not listed, please send us your schedule.


Revised Sweepstakes Rules at Nationals

The rules for team and individual sweepstakes at the AGLOA National Tournament have been as follows:

To be eligible for the sweepstakes award, a team of five or an individual had to:

  • Play four games from this list with at least one game from each category:
    • Mathematics: Equations and On-Sets
    • Language Arts: Propaganda and LinguiSHTIK
    • Social Studies: Presidents and World Events (now split into Theme and Current Events)
  • For another game, such as WFF’N Proof, to count toward sweepstakes, there must be at least eight teams registered for the game in a division.

At the 2017 Nationals, the rules are modified as follows:

  • Each game’s eligibility will first be determined by the minimum of 8 teams entering a game in a Division.
  • In addition, the following rules will be followed for both teams and individuals.
    Four games will count for both teams or individuals.
    One game from Math: Equations and/or On-Sets
    One game from Language: Propaganda and/or LinguiSHTIK
    One game from Social Studies: Presidents and/or Theme.
    If desired, the fourth game may come from WFF’N Proof or Current Events.
    Thus, a team or individual may not count all four reading games nor all four cube games.


Down Memory Lane

The XXIII National Academic Games Olympics was held at Rock Eagle 4H Center in Georgia in the spring of 1988.

These were the "Special Events" held during the tournament, which started on Sunday and ended with the Awards Ceremony Thursday morning.

  • Sunday: "An Evening with Mabel King" (film, stage, and television actress and singer)
  • Monday: Talent Show Try-Outs 6:30-9 PM Talmadge Auditorium
    Bingo – Senior Pavilion
    Miniature Golf 1-3 PM and 6-10 PM (also Tuesday and Wednesday)
  • Tuesday: Rock Eagle Effigy – Nature Hike 4-5:30 PM
    Grave Rubbings 4-5:30 PM
    Basketball and Volleyball Tournaments
    Dance with D.J. 8:30-10 PM Auditorium
  • Wednesday: Bingo 8:30

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