Presidents Quiz – October 2014

  • The theme for 2014-15 in all divisions is Slogans.
  • In Junior/Senior, a second theme is Domestic Affairs. Also, Jr/Sr clues for #25-44 may involve U.S. Leaders Group 4: Cesar Chavez, John Foster Dulles, Sandra Day O’Connor, Martin Luther King Jr., Thurgood Marshall, George Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Henry Kissinger
  • Note: Elementary/Middle Divisions play presidents #25-44 in 2014-15.
1. George Washington
2. John Adams
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. James Madison
5. James Monroe
6. John Quincy Adams
7. Andrew Jackson
8. Martin Van Buren
9. William Henry Harrison
10. John Tyler
11. James Polk
12. Zachary Taylor


My wife is famous for saving the painting of George Washington when she fled the White House before the British set it on fire. She also started the first Easter Egg Roll on the Capitol grounds.

13. Millard Fillmore
14. Franklin Pierce
15. James Buchanan
16. Abraham Lincoln
17. Andrew Johnson
18. Ulysses S. Grant
19. Rutherford Hayes
20. James Garfield
21. Chester A. Arthur
22./24. Grover Cleveland
23. Benjamin Harrison


I never spent a day in school. I taught myself to read and write with the help of my wife. I served in the U.S. Senate and also spent five weeks as vice-president of the U.S.

25. William McKinley
26. Theodore Roosevelt
27. William Taft
28. Woodrow Wilson
29. Warren Harding
30. Calvin Coolidge
31. Herbert Hoover
32. Franklin Roosevelt
33. Harry Truman
34. Dwight Eisenhower


In 1964, the School of Engineering at Columbia University conducted a survey regarding the greatest engineers of all time. Thomas Edison and I were selected as the best in U.S. history. I wrote a book on fishing called Fishing for Fun – to Wash Your Soul.

35. John F. Kennedy
36. Lyndon B. Johnson
37. Richard Nixon
38. Gerald Ford
39. Jimmy Carter
40. Ronald Reagan
41. George H.W. Bush
42. Bill Clinton
43. George W. Bush
44. Barack Obama


My parents divorced when I was only two. At age ten, I lived with my maternal grandparents for a while. After college, I was a civil rights lawyer and teacher before pursuing a political career. I was elected to my state’s Senate.

See this and all of the other AGLOA Presidents Quizzes here.

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